Vedas College is located at Jawlakhel, Lalitpur. It is a leading institute for IT and Management education in Nepal. This College has an ideal environment for learning with state of art facilities and also provides scholarship facilities on need basis and merit basis. The main highlights of Vedas College are it delivers excellent teaching and learning, guidance and support from the experts and facilities such as medical library, sports, Wi- fi, transportation, hostel, cafeteria, auditorium, labs with workshops and training. This College is affiliated to Tribhuvan University and run these major programs:
Bachelor of Computer Application: It is four years program run on semester wise system to produce high quality professionals with theory and practical knowledge of different concepts about software, programming, networking, web design, graphics, .Net, Cloud Computing etc.
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information technology:
This is a four year program that provides knowledge of underlying principles of Computer Science and Information technology to produce computer professionals, researches, analyst who can apply the learned concepts into real world to come up with solutions and technological innovations.
Bachelor of Business Management: It is a four years course divided into eight semesters that equips knowledge and confidence to manage and lead the business organization in a highly changeable and competitive environment. At Vedas College BBM program provides knowledge of banking and insurance, finance and Marketing, trade and investment analysis, portfolio accounting and stock trading courses.
Bachelor of Business Studies:
It is a four years program that covers underlying principles and concepts of Managing the business enterprise with areas of Management such as Accounting, Finance, Marketing and Human Resource to undertake mid-level Managerial job positions at Financial institutions, Corporates and Business Organizations of public, private, NGOs with this academic qualification.
Master of Business Studies:
It is two years four semesters advanced program in the field of Business Management that provides knowledge and skills to become high level Managers with specialized knowledge and research in their professional field of studies.
For further more information please click on the link or you can contact officially at 01-5430889
This post was last modified on September 7, 2021 1:12 pm
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