Are you searching for the list of best BCA College in Mahendranagar Near Your Location. Then you have landed to the right page. IT Colleges Nepal contains the list of all the popular BCA Colleges in Mahendranagar with the facilities they provide.
Mahendranagar Dhanusha is located at South Eastern Nepal. There are many business houses, schools and Colleges that offer education and products such as paper, cement, snacks, and financial services in this town of 10,209 people.
Janajyoti Multiple Campus is located at Bhimdutta Kanchanpur. It is affiliated to National Examination board for Plus2 and Tribhuvan University offering Bachelors programs from faculties of Education, Management, Humanities and Social Science. It has modern facilities with highly equipped computer labs, science labs. It runs four years Bachelor of Computer Application programs of Tribhuvan University that provides knowledge about computer application areas in software development, networking, mobile programming, web design, programming and distributed systems. It combines knowledge from Management and Social Sciences also with lots of theory and practical works and Janajyoti Multiple Campus follow the pedagogy of teaching BCA from the hands of Computer experts and Professionals to help them reach a career outcome in IT fields.
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